Once upon a time there was a mom who loved her family so much but was struggling. Struggling against the sicknesses that kept her from doing the things that a mother usually does. A wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a Sunday School teacher and much more but I just couldn't do it all. I wanted to so badly and it would make me so frustrated the tears would come. I would pray over and over, "Lord, if you'll just let me feel a little bit good tomorrow, I just want to feel like getting up." Ok, so I didn't get a miracle and even after 3 surgeries, numerous tests, and doctors, I still have a lot of health issues. But.....sometimes God doesn't choose to heal you or take away the pain for reasons only known to Him. It doesn't mean He doesn't care. He just sees those things down the road and what you're going to need to make it through those. Ah, but he sent me a friend. Not just a friend but someone who taught me that in spite of my pain and frustrations I can make beauty. Lots of beauty all around me. And then she introduced me to one of the most loving group of people that have been there for me through so many things. When I didn't want my family to know how much I was worried I could tell them all about it, ask for prayers and I received some of the most encouraging words that were what I needed. When I first began watching
Tracy Weinzapfel I thought art journaling was one of the craziest things I'd ever seen. People made a huge mess of a page, slapped more mess on it, scribbled on it and called it "Art Journaling"? No beauty or art could I see. lol Then Tracy taught me the true beauty of art journaling and became not only my teacher but an amazing friend. What I love about her....She is real! She is kind to everyone and tries so hard to make sure she doesn't miss giving each new member a welcome to the
Mixed Media Monday group and encourages each new artist even though we have grown to over 500! I haven't done much creating since October but they love me anyway! haha They continued to encourage me and they've encouraged me right into creating again and it feels so good!!! Love that Angie and I are challenging each other. I just don't have a word for the year and asked for help. MMM came through once again and I decided to write down words from everyone that posted. It didn't stop there. Since I still don't have my word chosen......I got out that page that Yvonne encouraged me to underwrite on (and boy, did I ever lol) and began to create. Now there are all those beautiful words I wrote down on that page and the reminder of the wonderful things my friends said to me. It isn't my most beautiful page ever but it makes me so happy. I also tried some things out that I had wanted to try so I could share some alternatives for supplies with others that can't afford some of the more pricey things. It worked! :-)

Angie.....On the left is how the page looked before (minus the flower I drew lol) If you look close at the top photo on the right you can see the underwriting faintly. These are before I started outlining all my flowers.

On the left is my finished page. I used a homemade
gesso (Shannon Green). It's great if you like texture which I do. I had heard that you could use eye shadow for shimmer sprays. Then I got to thinking (scary, I know lol) Could you use other makeup? My daughter thought it sounded good and got me some things to try. Then I bought a kit on clearance after Christmas. The upper pink flower was done in lipstick with blush rubbed on top. It is outlined in liquid eyeliner. The stem of the orange flower is done in green eye shadow. Different colors. I found you can use the eye shadow as a chalk to get one effect or wet it and use it like a paint for a different effect. I'm still experimenting but you can get a lot of things at the $1 store, $ General, etc. I sure hope this help some of you. We went through a really rough time a couple years ago when hubby's company almost went under so I understand how you can long to create but not have the funds to buy fun stuff.
Whew! I really shouldn't try to make up 2 months in one post! ;-)
I do want to say "Thank You" from the bottom of my heart to the awesome people at Mixed Media Mondays! So thankful for you!
Awww Eddyth I love your page and there are so many just awesome words on there.. Its a great Mix of words that I am sure one will pop out eventually and speak to you.. Take one step at a time and you will get there in the end sometimes it seems insurmountable but you will do it.. I went through very tough times a few years ago and seemed like I was never going to get over the hill but when I look at where I am now I know that struggle was all worth how it all is now.. The group at MMM are so awesome aren't they so glad I am in that group of wonderful supportive people we are just so lucky to have found each other..
Sandy :)
Oh Andy. My heart is smiling the biggest smile right now!! I can't even put into words how happy I am to see one of your creations again!! It's beautiful! Luv ya girl!
Andy Your stuff always comes out so beautiful. I just love your creations so very much. positive prayers and blessings to you and yours.
So creative and cool! Love the products that you used!!
it is awesome, andy!! i need to get mine finished and show you!! xoxo
So awesome and I have used the eye shadow before as well.. Never thought about the lipstick. Thanks so much for sharing
This post made joy tears come to my eyes, Eddyth, I so can relate to this story I am a lot older than you and was an artist and had to stop for about 6 yrs and Last year I picked up my brush because of this crazy Mixed Media Messy painting. My thoughts were the same as yours. I still have my moments with it. I met some very special people on Facebook art groups and now I am back to blogging a long time dream, and challenges. your work is great and what you do for Tracy is awesome.
I am sending you some great LOVE AND HUGS.
Sharon Estes. (shadee66)
I am so happy you have been encouraged, Makes me smile so big, Hugs
I am so happy you were encouraged to create and thank you for sharing with us!! I'm with you, as i too have been inspired by MMM group and I'm glad this is how I was introduced to the world of Art Journaling and Mixed Media!! Also, using make-up to save $$...genius! Thank you again for sharing and being so candid!
Heavenly Blessings to you and your family!
Rather you know it or not, you are the glue that holds us together, so it was nice that you felt held together by us. We love you and are all so happy to see you creating again, maybe your word of the year is many words because of the many friends that you have accumulated! hugs from the hills of North Carolina ♥
I think I understand the term "blog luv" more than I ever have before. Thank you all so much! As crazy as it sounds, pushing to create that one page.....it even changed my mood! :-) I was feeling so discouraged and blah and now I can't wait to do more! I am truly blessed!
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